We Accept All Requisitions from Any Clinic

Purpose of Mammography
There are two types of mammograms:
- Screening Mammograms: if your doctor requests a routine test, this is usually referred to as a Screening Mammogram. These are for women who are not experiencing any problems or symptoms with their breasts. To see if you can self-refer yourself for a Screening Mammogram, click here.
- Diagnostic Mammograms: if you or your doctor detects a lump or any other symptom of breast cancer, your doctor will request a Diagnostic Mammogram which may include additional, more detailed images and/or breast ultrasound.

We are accredited by CAR, the Canadian Association of Radiologists, and proud to be affiliated with Alberta Health Services’ Breast Cancer Screening Program (ABCSP).
Why is this important to me?
Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women and, after lung cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death. Screening mammogramsare the best way to detect breast cancers at an earlier stage when treatment is more effective.
Do I need a referral by my doctor for a screening mammogram?
Because of the importance of mammograms, the Alberta government now allows women aged 50-74 to self-refer themselves for a screening mammogram and women aged 40-49 can self-refer after their first referral from their family doctor. For more information about the Alberta Breast Cancer Screening Program, please visit: www.screeningforlife.ca
Do I need a referral by my doctor for a diagnostic mammogram?
Yes, for diagnostic mammograms, a doctor’s referral is required. To check if you qualify for a screening mammogram without a referral, please use our online booking form which will guide you through each qualification.
What to Expect During Your Exam
- After checking in and completing a questionnaire you will be shown to a change room and asked to remove your clothing from the waist up and put on a gown. You may be asked to remove jewelry if it will interfere with the exam. Please inform the technologist if there is any possibility that you are pregnant.
- A diagnostic mammogram can take up to 30 minutes
- A screening mammogram usually takes 15 minutes
- Each breast will be individually imaged and positioned between 2 plastic plates so that it can be compressed and flattened. It is necessary to compress the breasts to properly perform the test. Some women may feel discomfort, however you should not experience significant pain. Two views of each breast will be taken for a screening mammogram and several more views may be taken for a diagnostic mammogram. The technologist will reposition you between views.
- When the exam is complete, you may be asked to wait until the radiologist determines that all the necessary images have been obtained.
- Regardless of whether you came to Glenwood Radiology with a requisition or referred yourself, a results letter will be mailed directly to you from ABCSP. Your family doctor will receive a report from our radiologist; if you self-referred, you will need to provide your family physician’s information.
How to Prepare for Your Exam
- Please be sure to arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment to provide enough time to change and prepare for your examination.
- This exam requires that you DO NOT wear any lotions/oils on the upper body, deodorant, powder or antiperspirant under your arms the day of your exam.
- Please wear a two-piece outfit.
- Avoid caffeine in order to reduce breast tenderness.
- You will be asked to remove any necklaces or earrings prior to the exam.
- Please note: if there is a chance that you are pregnant, the exam may not be possible.
How to Book Your Exam
- Exams require a requisition form from your family physician unless if you are eligible for a self-referred screening mammogram.
- You can book by phone by calling us during our regular business hours.
West Edmonton: 780-705-9982
Chappelle Crossing: 780-540-9066
Spruce Grove: 587-461-2221 - You can also conveniently book online.
Find a Family Physician in your area
- If you do not have a family physician or need assistance with a requisition form or referral letter albertafindadoctor.ca can help you find a family doctor accepting patients in your area.
We are proud to offer VolparaDensity
VolparaDensity is a powerful tool to measure breast density to help determine each patient’s unique imaging needs for optimal results. A VolparaDensity report will now be provided to you and sent to your family physician with all mammograms performed at Glenwood Radiology. We are excited to have all our patients benefit from this technology. View the video below for more information.